Monday, September 15, 2008

Race for the Cure!

This morning, I received an email form my sister, Raula, that she was participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Houston, TX on October 4, 2008. On the heels of the devastation of Hurricane Ike, she and her sister-in-law, Tracie, turned their attention to a cause bigger than themselves during a time when they could be more concerned about power loss and storm damage. I was certainly touched but not surprised by this gesture. Aside from the fact that they are indeed family, they share a connection. As young women they both lost their mothers to cancer: our mom to lung cancer in 2005, and Tracie's (Tige's)mom to breast cancer about 18 months later. Words can't begin to explain the effect that losing a mother has on their daughters in particular. But, you can certainly credit their mothers for rearing two awesome young women--the product of two terrific ladies--which didn't occur by accident or coincidence.

Let me encourage you to support this cause by making a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation by clicking on the following links:
Raula's link

or, Tracie's link

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